Vision is Everything

A Sketch I recently saw on Christie's, one of the major auction houses for art, made by Damien Hirst, is a perfect example of Vision & how in the mind of an artist a simple pencil drawing can become a 12 Million Dollar Artwork.
I copied Damien Hirst's drawing, which took me about 30 seonds, with the intention of making an artmoney out of it called, "Nothing Explained".
Instead I made an Artmoney I called, "Kilkenny Vision", relatively simple & presenting a pair of Eyewear. that I envisioned to finally incorporate the, "Methaneless Cow", Design of mine.
The spirit of Beautiful Money is that of valuing art itself over monetary values.

Photo: My Sketch of Damien Hirst's drawing

"Death Explained"
Pencil on paper
16 x 23cm - a little larger than an Artmoney which is 12 x 18cm
The estimated price was between 7.000 & 10.000€
It was sold for between 15.000 & 20.000€